Hey guys,
I just tried to buy some junk and regular silver from the coin shop
near my parents house. He's completely sold out! No silver
whatsoever! Also, he said he'll let me have the junk for spot!!!
Talk about increased premiums! Last time I bought from him (April) he
gave me $10 UNDER spot!!!! Shit! I'm a bit stuck as Gainesville
Coins won't ship out here, and Apmex has a high premium, and once I'm
done paying that AND shipping, and then postage back to my mom, well,
you get the idea...sheeesh. That said, Apmex has some really cool
Striding Liberty half dollars I want SOOOOO badly( (for myself) I just
might have to whip out the old JPM credit card, lol. The Onza should
ship in a few days. I like buying shiny stuff.
End Cyndi's email to me.
OK we now have three boots on the ground reports (and yes, DCFusor, you may very well be right about sellers NOT wanting to sell below cost):
*** Jonny Bahrain noted no investment gold in Bahrain
*** Reader "P" reported no gold at an important coin shop in Dallas
*** Reader and "Virtual Friend" Cyndi reports on silver above.
eBay/24hgold widget shows premium of 23.6% for gold and 83.5% for silver.
All around smart guy DCFusor was able to make this image available to me in a format that would fit in my blog! Thanks DC! This may be a record... From Clive Maund to Rocky Racooc to DCFusor to my blog!
Oh, and baa-ah! Baaah-aaahh-baaah!
Bah! The picture below worked for a while anyway. Such is the life of a Junior Blogger, there's always something...
ReplyDeleteRe: Bahrain
Just to clarify, when I emailed you there was no gold or 1kg silver at my trusted supplier, and 1oz were out everywhere (still are, have been for over 3 weeks), then a few days later 10g and 20g were out of stock everywhere as well as 1oz bars; there were only Indian 1,2 and 5 Tola (11.664g) bars available.
I was told my supplier has had a delivery of 10g bars. They still have no idea when they will be getting 1oz.
The Colorado Gold website is declaring a delay of 35 days for some of its A-Mark silver bullion now. They don't say what the delay is for ASEs or Maple Leafs (probably whatever it is at the mint)...
ReplyDeleteColorado Gold charges reasonable premiums, and has 100-500 Oz minimums. And they simply quote longer delays in times like these.