Saturday, July 23, 2011

New Post At My Bearing Blog

As I make progress on my other new blog ( I will make mention of it here.  A few of you have made kind remarks and suggestions re what to do about bearings.  Please feel free to continue just that by comment or email here or at my new blog (same

I have three fairly simple steps (outlined there at rollingbearing):

1)  Contact bearing manufacturers PR people
2)  Contact people we already know (our suppliers)
3)  Advise my readers here at my blog and ask for suggestions (NOT by email)

One of the goals I have will be to see if I can get advertising at my rollingbearing blog.

I also want to learn how to publish items like spreadsheets in the "Cloud", I will track down a reader I know who has done that.  Or maybe one of you could tell me how!  One way or another the education of Junior Blogger Robert marches on!


  1. Hi! Circular Technologies also offers timing belt pulleys. You might want to check them out, bearings, and rollers.


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